BONSERNEWS.com – Many important events in the world happened on July 23. Some are recorded, some are not recorded. Some of what was recorded later became history to be remembered and used as a lesson for future generations.
Here are seven important events that occurred on July 23 in world history:
1. July 23, 1829
William Austin Burt Obtains a Typewriter Patent: William Austin Burt, an American inventor, obtains a patent for a typewriter known as the “Typographer”.
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2. July 23, 1881
Tuskegee Institute Massacre: On this date, a white mob led by a former Confederate soldier attacked the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, United States. The attack aimed to destroy black educational institutions founded by Booker T. Washington.
3. July 23, 1903
Signing of the Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty: The Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty was signed between the United States and Panama, giving the United States the right to build and control the Panama Canal.
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4. July 23, 1942
World War II – Battle of Stalingrad Begins: German forces launch a massive offensive against the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the Soviet Union. The Battle of Stalingrad became one of the deadliest and decisive battles in the history of wars.
5. July 23, 1962
Telstar 1 Launched: Telstar 1, the first successful communications satellite, was launched into orbit. This satellite enabled the first direct transmissions of television and telephone between the United States and Europe.